

防止退磁磁力矩不可设计得过小。应在规定温度条件下运行,严禁介质温度超标。可在磁力泵隔离套外表面装设铂电阻温度传感器检测环隙区域的温升,以便温度超限时报警或停机。防止颗粒进入不允许有铁磁杂质、颗粒进入磁力传动器和轴承摩擦副。输送易结晶或沉淀的介质后要及时冲洗,以保障滑动轴承的使用寿命。输送含有固体颗粒的介质时,应在泵流管入口处过滤。防止干摩擦 严禁空转。严禁介质抽空。在出口阀关闭的情况下,泵连续运转时间不得超过2min,以防磁力传动器过热而失效。不可用在有压力的系统中由于磁力泵泵腔中存在一定的间系及磁力泵内使用的是“静轴承”,由此该系列泵绝不可以使用在有压力的系统中,正压与负压均不可行(图\文www.wxjpby.com/)。
Prevent demagnetization magnetic moment can not be designed too small. Should be in the specified temperature conditions, forbidden exceed the standard medium temperature. In the insulation shell of magnet pump outer surface provided with platinum resistance temperature sensor detection annulus area temperature, so that the temperature exceeds the limit alarm or shutdown. To prevent the particles into the ferromagnetic impurities are not allowed, the particles into the magnetic actuators and bearing friction pair. Conveying crystallizable or precipitation of the medium to the flushing, in order to ensure the service life of the sliding bearing. The transport of solid particles of the medium, should be in the pump flow tube inlet filter. Prevention of dry friction no idling. No medium. The outlet valve is closed, the pump running time should not exceed2min, to prevent overheating and failure of magnetic driver. Not available in the pressure of the system due to the magnetic force pump exist in between the Department and in the magnetic pump is using the" bearing", this series pump must not be used in pressure system, a positive pressure and a negative pressure are not feasible.